
日時 Date
2015年7月18日(土)July 18th (Sat.), 2015 [Poster]
場所 Location
上智大学四谷キャンパス Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University 中央図書館 9階L-911またはL-921
午前の部:一般発表 (Oral sessions)
- 園田敦子(上智大学大学院) Atsuko Sonoda (Sophia University) “ライティングにおける英語学習者の「気づき」の役割 -自ら気づくことの意義の考察-” [abstract]
- 居村啓子(上智大学)Keiko Imura (Sophia University) “Do Young EFL Learners Construct Language in Limited Contexts? – A study of multi-word units based on the usage-based point of view” (invited) [abstract]
- 浅田裕子(東京福祉大学)Yuko Asada (Tokyo University and Graduate School of Social Welfare) “Have/be dichotomy in the domain of P: evidence from French absolute constructions” (invited) [abstract]
- 荒井隆行(上智大学)Takayuki Arai (Sophia University) “Vocal-tract models old and new: From Chiba to Arai” (invited) [abstract]
11:45-12:00 |
General Assembly |
午後の部:Workshop “Cross-language speech perception”
12:40-12:50 |
Introduction (moderator: Yuriko Yokoe) |
12:50-13:35 |
Catherine T. Best (University of Western Sydney, Haskins Laboratory)
“Cross-language speech perception: Late versus early second-language bilinguals” (including Q&A) [abstract]
13:35-13:40 |
break (5min) |
13:40-14:25 |
Mark Antoniou (University of Western Sydney)
“The flexibility of the bilingual phonological system” (including Q&A) [abstract]
14:25-14:40 |
break (5min) |
14:40-15:25 |
Reiko Akahane-Yamada (including Q&A) (Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute)
“Learning non-native speech contrasts: What laboratory training studies have told us” (including Q&A) [abstract]
15:25-15:30 |
break (5min) |
15:30-16:00 |
General discussion |
16:20-17:40 |
30th Anniversary Special Lecture [Poster]
窪薗晴夫 Haruo Kubozono (国立国語研究所 National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
“Question and Vocative Intonation in Japanese” [abstract] |